Root Canal Therapy
Dr. Matthew Kingston and Dr. Lance S. Miller, have received advanced training in the treatment of root canal therapy. Most teeth that require root canal can be treated right in our comfortable, state-of-the-art office. Using an advanced technique, our doctors can often complete this treatment in one visit.
Once root canal treatment has been completed, our team will inform you of any additional treatment needs for your tooth, such as post and core and crown.
Once root canal treatment has been completed, our team will inform you of any additional treatment needs for your tooth, such as post and core and crown.
When a tooth has to be removed, you can trust our doctors to take excellent care of you. Our doctors will advise you of all your options prior to removing a tooth, and many extractions can be done right here in our state of the art office.
Once your tooth has been removed, our doctors will review any options for tooth replacement that we feel are most appropriate for you.
Once your tooth has been removed, our doctors will review any options for tooth replacement that we feel are most appropriate for you.